- Client: Dominican Hydroelectric Generation Company (EGEHID)
- Date: April 2018 - November 2018
- Contract: US$ 425,000.00
- Constructor asociado: Typsa/Engecorps Engenharia, S. A
One of the key components of this pressurized irrigation system for San Juan de la Maguana is the storage lagoon at “La Trifurcación” on the J. J. Puello canal (downriver from the Domingo Rodríguez Suzaña hydroelectric central). Also, the pipelines that stick out of the Pedro Sánchez and Las Charcas lateral canals towards the B1 and B2 lagoons, which supply water to the lower irrigation areas (5.500 acres). Completing this project is a distribution network, a reparcelling network for the land that receives the pressurized irrigation, and shorter new access roads.
Services provided by the firm:
• Hydrologic studies
• Topographic studies
• Design for access roads
• Technical specs and budget
• Documents for bidding process