- Client: National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (INDRHI)
- Date: March 1992 - August 1993
- Contract: RD$ 2,525,000.00
- Constructor asociado: N/A

Improvement of the Cuenca Arrocera del Este (CAE) rice basin and expansion of its 4.138 hectare, distributed among the following irrigation systems: Nisibón lagoon and the Nisibón, Maimón and El Cedro savannas. The works covered 41 km of the main and lateral canals, including access roads and artworks.
Services provided by the firm:
• Design revisions
• Soil surveys both in labs and fields
• Pricing and budget revisions and update
• Supervision of the del contract between INDRHI and the contractor
• Revision and analysis of the contractor’s work plan
• Permanent inspection of the work applying the highest engineering standards and technical specifications
• Study the unitary pricing analysis of new budget lines presented by the contractor
• Planning of design and supervision work
• Auditing and quality certification of the equipment and materials used in the project
• Consulting to provide solutions for specific issues arising during the construction phase
• Certification of work completion and reception